Ergonomic Assessment in the Apparel Industry Using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) among Workers in India in Finishing Department
This study aimed to assess ergonomic risks in the garment industry's finishing department using rapid entire body assessment (REBA) among ready-made garment workers in India. This study evaluates ergonomic risks associated with work-related musculoskeletal issues (WMSDs), mainly on the lower back, neck, and limbs, and explores the impact of body mass index (BMI) on posture. A convenience sampling study included 35 employees (male, 23; female, 12; age, >18 years) at a garment unit in Kolkata, India. Data were collected through observation, video, and photo analysis using Kinovea software. The respondents had a mean age of 40.14 years (SD = 8.96) and mean BMI of 24.73 kg/m2 (SD = 2.96). The study revealed a statistically significant relationship between BMI and head and neck flexion angles across operations (p-values: ironing - head: 0.007, neck: 0.01; quality checking - head: 0.004, neck: 0.004; packing - head: 0.001, neck: 0.006; thread trimming - head: 0.001, neck: 0.01; stain removal - head: 0.001, neck: 0.02). The study revealed a high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among Indian garment finishing operators due to awkward postures and prolonged standing, evident in the medium to high-risk REBA scores. The Application lies in understanding the relationship between BMI, head/neck flexion angles, and occurrence of musculoskeletal problems which helps to design better workplace environments for garment finishing workers in India.
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