Critical Review on Nonwoven Bodywear and Wearer Comfort through Ease-mechanism
The demand for an unconventional way of fabric manufacturing for the clothing industry is increased because of the high growth rate of the apparel market that would be $809.8 billion from 2021 to 2023. Because of advancement in technology and materials nonwoven technology is an emerging technology in the clothing industry because of its unique advantages of the cost-effective manufacturing process that continues one process starts from the web to the fabric. Nonwoven body wear started from paper clothing in 1960 but could not succeed in the market because of ill fit, lack of adequate strength, flammability. Research institutes and research companies developed nonwoven garments using advanced nonwoven fabrics such as Tyvek, Colback and Evolon but could not commercialize nonwoven fabrics as the main body wears except single-use or multi-use protective garments in medical and processing industries. Despite these challenges specific types of nonwoven fabrics such as Evolon can be used in the clothing industry because of their mechanical and aesthetical properties. Its functionality and comfort can be enhanced by adopting an ease quantification mechanism and alternative designs for nonwoven fabrics where nonwoven garments perform expectedly.
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