Study on Material Wastes in Air-jet Weaving Mills
The works reported in this article is an account of wastes generated in two air jet weaving mills producing mills producing 100% cotton fabrics for the export market. Mainly two types of wastes were categorized e.g. (i) wastes related to only warp e.g. gara cones, knotting waste, gaiting/tying-in, loom setting, as beam residue after sizing and weaving, warping, in the sizing zone and the polyester yarns in the auxiliary selvedge etc. and (ii) wastes related only weft e.g. cut fringe, faulty cones, waste due to loom setting etc. The study involved collection of data about various wastes (both warp and weft) of 8 different qualities (construction wise) from the two air jet weaving mills. The amounts of respective wastes were then expressed as percentages of the total quantity of warp and weft. The wastes related to warp and weft were left in the two factories was found to be in the range of 2.59% to 3.96% and 2.43% to 3.51% respectively. It was also observed that the warp wastes in knotting, gaiting/tying-in, loom setting and as beam residue after weaving were insignificant whereas warp wastes in warping and sizing zone were significant. It was also found that finer warp yarns and higher warp thread density were responsible for more waste.Higher waste. Higher set length and greater length of warp in the weaver’s beam generated lesser waste.On the other hand,Inwaste. In case of weft, wastes due to cut fringe and faulty cones were found to be significant, but weft waste due to loom setting was found to be insignificant. The waste due to cut fringe may be reduced if the width of the fabric in increased. The polyester filament (ply) yarns are used as warp in the auxiliary selvedge of fabric seems not very significant. , however due to their high strength; these yarns are being reused again and again for long period of timeIt was found in one of the factory that the cleanersseparate the cut fringes manually leaving only the selvedge warp yarns which are then wound on to any suitable packagefor further use in leno selvedge. Another factory sells their dummy selvedge as scrap at a very low cost.Downloads
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