Impact of Carding Parameters and Draw Frame Speed on Migration Characteristics of Ring Spun Yarn
Fiber migration in ring yarn is found to be affected by the high draw frame delivery speed and associated sliver preparations. Considering the importance of high draw frame delivery speed, and its preparatory (viz., card draft and coiler diameter), earlier work (Ishtiaque et al., 2007) reveals a strong influence on the fiber orientation parameters in the sliver. The effect of the above parameters transmits up to the yarn fiber assembly affecting its structure and properties. In the present study it has been observed that the impact of the three process variables (viz., card draft, coiler diameter of card and delivery speed of draw frame) on the mean fiber position, root mean square deviation and mean migration intensity is very significant as confirmed from higher R2 values. As draw frame delivery speed and coiler diameter of card increases, mean fiber position, root mean square deviation and mean migration intensity decreases. However, with the increase in card draft, there is marginal increase in mean fiber position and no significant change in the mean migration intensity is observed.Downloads
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