Twist-de-twist Method for Development of Soft Cotton Yarn


  • Ayano Koyrita Banale Bahir Dar University Theses made in Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


Soft feel, in textile products is an important characteristic in many end uses. This can be achieved by development of suitable yarn for knitting or chemical treatment at fabric stage. In the present paper a method of producing soft yarn using twisting and de-twisting technique is investigated. Two types of cotton yarns, nominal and modified, are produced with same twist and count. The modified yarn was first produced at higher twist level. The excess twist was removed by de-twisting the yarn to nominal twist level. Yarn diameter, yarn compressibility, yarn stiffness, and yarn strength were measured and compared. 54.4 twist de-twisting process has shown 23.8 % increase in yarn diameter, 45.5 % decrease in bending rigidity and 47.1% improvement in yarn compressibility for 10 Ne yarn while 58.4% twist de-twist percentage resulted 45.6% increase in yarn diameter, 35.0% decrease in bending rigidity and 15.0% improvement in yarn compressibility for 30Ne yarn. There was no significant change in yarn strength due to twist de-twist process. The experimental results indicated that the twisting and de-twisting process increased the yarn diameter, improved yarn softness and flexural rigidity without affecting the yarn strength compared to nominal yarn.

Author Biography

  • Ayano Koyrita Banale, Bahir Dar University Theses made in Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
    M. Tech. in Textile Engineering






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