Unlocking Sustainable Fashion for Indian Plus-Size Women: Embracing Body Diversity
The Indian plus-size clothing market is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by increasing obesity prevalence and the body positivity movement. However, this growth is paralleled by a concerning trend - a high rate of returns for online clothing purchases. The primary reason for returns is often the improper clothing fit, stemming from a lack of consideration for diverse body types. This study addresses this challenge by understanding the diversity of body shapes prevalent in various Indian regions. Pan-India data from the INDIAsize project and modified FFIT mathematical formulas were used to identify nine body shapes. The frequency distribution and Chi-square analysis revealed significant variations in body shape distribution across six regions. The findings provide valuable insights for Indian fashion brands to reduce returns and promote sustainable fashion practices. The research emphasizes the importance of aligning clothing styles with the prevalent body shapes in specific regions, contributing to a more sustainable fashion industry.
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