Design Seamless Woven Garments with Precise Fit to Bodyline for Women's Wear
This paper is the third of a series of publications that deal with the development of seamless woven garments with desired shapes and sizes by producing woven tubular fabrics with differential shrinkage along the garment length. The first paper [1] focus was to produce the shape using filling yarns containing spandex at strategic places along the garment. The differential shrinkage between the regions with filling yarns containing spandex and those do not contain spandex allowed the development of garments with target shape and size. Six garments were produced using this concept with one warp (one on-loom fabric width). In the second paper [2], we demonstrated how to develop seamless garments with desired shape and size using the data of wide range of fabrics produced with different construction parameters and hence finished fabric shrinkage using one on-loom width. The seamless garments demonstrated in the first two papers exhibited intentional gathering and pleating due to high differential shrinkage between different parts of the garment. While the gathering and pleating provide intricacy to the garments, there is demand for garments without gathering. This paper addresses design and development of seamless woven garments with different shapes and sizes without darts, pleats or gathers to fit the bodyline using data obtained from 83 pre-produced tubular woven fabrics with different construction parameters that influence finished width shrinkage. The 83 tubular woven fabrics were intentionally structured to provide extremely wide range of shrinkage range (6.7% & 48.7%). This allowed the creation of garments with required shape using different fabrics with gradual differential shrinkage along garment length. Six seamless garments with desired shape and sizes (Small, Medium, Large, and X Large) were designed using this technique.
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