Finding “Hopeâ€: An Empathetic Discovery in Designing with Women at a Local Shelter
The purpose of this co-creative design process was to inspire a valued sense of self for underprivileged women through imaginative exploration in a fashion design experience. Fundamental design education lessons were used to empower these women with a vocabulary to collaboratively discuss ideas with the fashion designer. The goal of this shared engagement was to encourage creativity and positively impact the self-confidence of these women by generating a designed garment. Three women from a social enterprise job-training program at a local shelter were invited to join in this collaboration. This program sets out to impart confidence and hope for women in poverty aspiring to improve their situations. Thus, this design project was initiated by exploring a shared understanding of the word “Hope†as an inspiration. To gain empathy for everyone involved, the group collectively began by exploring personal meanings of hope resulting in a word map that initiated the design process. The final design includes a digitally printed wrap skirt made of silk crepe de chine and a silk top developed from two heart shaped pattern pieces. Layered over the silk top is a wrap shawl in the shape of a heart. The final design is displayed at the shelter along with a poster illustrating the process to serve as a reminder of “Hopeâ€.Downloads
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