The Mechanism of Deterioration, Treatment and Display of Historical Decorated Silk Textile


  • Enas Abo El enen Amin Minia University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Conservation Dept.


This paper explores the deterioration aspects were found due to suffering from several degradation factors during the previous museum exhibition for an archaeological Silk piece. The textile with tow face, multicolored, and was exhibited in Applied Art museum in Egypt, Cairo, in case m.s 120/4. Also, treatment and conservation method have been done successfully such as cleaning the piece, supporting of the deteriorated areas on new linen fabric and the museum display have been done by using a wood frame and Acrylic sheet. But many deteriorated, degradation aspects were investigated by using recent technologies such as Scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (SEM/EDAX) is the most frequently used analytical technique to determine the chemical composition. The X-rays can be analyzed with an energy-dispersive system (EDAX), and they provide qualitative and quantitative information. The SEM images provide a characteristic surface morphology and are useful for judging the surface structure of the investigated sample, its fiber quality as well as its damage aspects, FTIR was used to identify the kinds of dyes, and the Stereo Microscopy was used to investigate the weave structure.

Author Biography

  • Enas Abo El enen Amin, Minia University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Conservation Dept.
    Associate Professor of Textiles Conservation






Peer Reviewed Article