Mounting and Short-term Rehousing of A Historic Decorated


  • Fatmaa El Zahraa Sadat Khayaal Assistant Lecturer Conservation Department Faculty of Archaeology Cairo University


Considerable care is needed when cleaning, consolidating, mounting, and rehousing textile items for storage or display purposes. Each textile item must be examined and evaluated on its own merits, particularly decorated ones. An Indian Moghul metal-decorated fabric (17-18th A.D.) was housed and conserved in the museum of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. The final stages of mounting, removal of previous repairs, mechanical consolidation of fragile parts, dyeing of restoration threads, and temporary rehousing are discussed for the case study. A scoured cotton fabric used for mounting was secured on a wooden frame. Previous repairs were gently released, and the silk threads for the consolidation process were dyed with natural plants. The temporary storage was suitable for the large artefact given its dimensions and the constraints of storage space. Folded and Rolled storage were explored as storage possibilities. The final decision was to roll and store the textile artifact inside a cylindrical inert tube thus making it easy to handled and transfer. The artifact was protected with padded with crushed folds of acid-free tissue papers and muslin. Maintenance conservation was assured with a micro-environment climate using silica gel as a desiccant was made to control temporarily the recommended humidity inside the storage unit.






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